5 research outputs found

    Airline workforce scheduling based on multi-agent systems

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    El trabajo consiste en realizar una programación de horarios para los empleados del servicio al cliente de una aerolínea, junto con el transporte y ruteo de los mismos. Estos problemas son altamente complejos (NP-Hard), por consiguiente, se desarrolló un sistema basado en agentes que permitiera realizar la programación de horarios y simular escenarios inesperados para encontrar una solución eficaz y efectiva. Además, se busca comparar las soluciones de dos métodos diferentes, centralizado y distribuido, junto con la solución actual de la aerolínea, analizando el impacto que cada una de estas genera.This project focuses on the workforce scheduling for an airline's customer service employees, along with their transportation and routing. These problems are highly complex (NP-Hard), therefore, an agent-based system was developed that allowed scheduling and simulating unexpected scenarios to find an efficient and effective solution. In addition, it seeks to compare the solutions of two different methods, centralized and distributed, with the current solution of the airline, analyzing the impact that each of these generates.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Consenso colombiano de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

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    La Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EEI) es un término con el que se conocen varias entidades, las dos más importantes: la colitis ulcerativa idiopática (CUI) y la enfermedad de Crohn (EC), cuyo origen es multifactorial y se caracterizan por un fenómeno inflamatorio, crónico, recurrente, con diferentes grados de severidad del tubo digestivo; pero, además con afectación potencial de otros órganos. En la última década ha habido un renovado interés en dichas entidades, debido a un auge en medicamentos novedosos; a pesar de lo cual estas siguen siendo incurables. Lo anterior asociado a una incidencia creciente de dicha patología en nuestro país nos obliga tanto científica como moralmente a convocar a un panel de expertos para elaborar unos lineamientos básicos en el enfoque y manejo de la EEI. OBJETIVOS 1. Desarrollar un consenso adaptado a nuestro medio, basado en documentación científica de la mejor calidad disponible para el enfoque diagnóstico y el manejo médico y quirúrgico. 2. Publicar y difundir dichos lineamentos tanto a la comunidad científica como al público en general a través de foros especializados, y medios de comunicación de alta penetración. 3. Elaborar y divulgar el consenso en forma de suplemento de la Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología, el 8 de diciembre de 2011, en medio del congreso de ACADI (Asociación Colombiana de Asociaciones del Aparato Digestivo); es el mejor homenaje que el panel multidisciplinario de expertos le puede rendir a dicho evento; pero más importante aún es el reconocimiento que se le hace a los pacientes que padecen de dicha patología en nuestro país, quienes en últimas son nuestra razón de ser. METODOLOGÍA 1. Se invitaron médicos especialistas (Clínicos y quirúrgicos), líderes de opinión e industria farmacéutica nacional, cuyo área de interés y de trabajo es la EEI. 2. Se separó y manejó independientemente desde el principio la CUI de la EC. A su vez, se dividió cada entidad por módulos, con base en el método de panel de Delphi, se nombró un coordinador por cada uno de ellos, el cual se encargó de analizar junto con su equipo la literatura, para extraer el nivel de evidencia clínica y así emitir unos conceptos preliminares. Posteriormente, todo el panel de expertos se reunió en varias jornadas y conjuntamente se revisó nuevamente la evidencia clínica y conclusiones de los diferentes módulos homogenizándolas y de una manera concertada se formularon las recomendaciones definitivas.Q4https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9219-4548Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Implementation of an imaging processing architecture for medical diagnostics using mobile applications

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    El personal de salud que realiza diagnósticos a partir de imágenes médicas no está aprovechando al máximo la tecnología de dispositivos móviles. Como resultado, MVisual es un desarrollo móvil que permite el procesamiento y visualización de estas imágenes. Las imágenes se reciben como archivos MHD, y para ser vistas, se utilizarón bibliotecas en C ++ que se integraron utilizando JNI en Android Studio. Para su manipulación, la biblioteca de Canva se integró junto con el algoritmo de computación gráfica, Window-Level. Como resultado, se genera un archivo JSON que contiene la información necesaria para ejecutar un algoritmo del servicio REST ofrecido por cpPlugins, cumpliendo el objetivo de implementar una interfaz móvil para ejecutar algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes médicas.Health personnel who perform diagnoses from medical images are not taking full advantage of mobile device technology. As a result, MVisual is a mobile development that allows the processing and visualization of these images. The images are received as MHD files, and to be viewed, C ++ libraries were integrated using JNI on Android Studio. For its manipulation, the Canva library was integrated together with the graphical computation algorithm, Window-Level. As a result, a JSON file is generated that contains the information necessary to execute an algorithm from the REST service offered by cpPlugins. Fulfilling the objective of implementing a portable interface to run medical image processing algorithms.Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad

    Global variation in postoperative mortality and complications after cancer surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study in 82 countries

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    © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licenseBackground: 80% of individuals with cancer will require a surgical procedure, yet little comparative data exist on early outcomes in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). We compared postoperative outcomes in breast, colorectal, and gastric cancer surgery in hospitals worldwide, focusing on the effect of disease stage and complications on postoperative mortality. Methods: This was a multicentre, international prospective cohort study of consecutive adult patients undergoing surgery for primary breast, colorectal, or gastric cancer requiring a skin incision done under general or neuraxial anaesthesia. The primary outcome was death or major complication within 30 days of surgery. Multilevel logistic regression determined relationships within three-level nested models of patients within hospitals and countries. Hospital-level infrastructure effects were explored with three-way mediation analyses. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03471494. Findings: Between April 1, 2018, and Jan 31, 2019, we enrolled 15 958 patients from 428 hospitals in 82 countries (high income 9106 patients, 31 countries; upper-middle income 2721 patients, 23 countries; or lower-middle income 4131 patients, 28 countries). Patients in LMICs presented with more advanced disease compared with patients in high-income countries. 30-day mortality was higher for gastric cancer in low-income or lower-middle-income countries (adjusted odds ratio 3·72, 95% CI 1·70–8·16) and for colorectal cancer in low-income or lower-middle-income countries (4·59, 2·39–8·80) and upper-middle-income countries (2·06, 1·11–3·83). No difference in 30-day mortality was seen in breast cancer. The proportion of patients who died after a major complication was greatest in low-income or lower-middle-income countries (6·15, 3·26–11·59) and upper-middle-income countries (3·89, 2·08–7·29). Postoperative death after complications was partly explained by patient factors (60%) and partly by hospital or country (40%). The absence of consistently available postoperative care facilities was associated with seven to 10 more deaths per 100 major complications in LMICs. Cancer stage alone explained little of the early variation in mortality or postoperative complications. Interpretation: Higher levels of mortality after cancer surgery in LMICs was not fully explained by later presentation of disease. The capacity to rescue patients from surgical complications is a tangible opportunity for meaningful intervention. Early death after cancer surgery might be reduced by policies focusing on strengthening perioperative care systems to detect and intervene in common complications. Funding: National Institute for Health Research Global Health Research Unit

    Effects of hospital facilities on patient outcomes after cancer surgery: an international, prospective, observational study

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    © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 licenseBackground: Early death after cancer surgery is higher in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) compared with in high-income countries, yet the impact of facility characteristics on early postoperative outcomes is unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the association between hospital infrastructure, resource availability, and processes on early outcomes after cancer surgery worldwide. Methods: A multimethods analysis was performed as part of the GlobalSurg 3 study—a multicentre, international, prospective cohort study of patients who had surgery for breast, colorectal, or gastric cancer. The primary outcomes were 30-day mortality and 30-day major complication rates. Potentially beneficial hospital facilities were identified by variable selection to select those associated with 30-day mortality. Adjusted outcomes were determined using generalised estimating equations to account for patient characteristics and country-income group, with population stratification by hospital. Findings: Between April 1, 2018, and April 23, 2019, facility-level data were collected for 9685 patients across 238 hospitals in 66 countries (91 hospitals in 20 high-income countries; 57 hospitals in 19 upper-middle-income countries; and 90 hospitals in 27 low-income to lower-middle-income countries). The availability of five hospital facilities was inversely associated with mortality: ultrasound, CT scanner, critical care unit, opioid analgesia, and oncologist. After adjustment for case-mix and country income group, hospitals with three or fewer of these facilities (62 hospitals, 1294 patients) had higher mortality compared with those with four or five (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3·85 [95% CI 2·58–5·75]; p<0·0001), with excess mortality predominantly explained by a limited capacity to rescue following the development of major complications (63·0% vs 82·7%; OR 0·35 [0·23–0·53]; p<0·0001). Across LMICs, improvements in hospital facilities would prevent one to three deaths for every 100 patients undergoing surgery for cancer. Interpretation: Hospitals with higher levels of infrastructure and resources have better outcomes after cancer surgery, independent of country income. Without urgent strengthening of hospital infrastructure and resources, the reductions in cancer-associated mortality associated with improved access will not be realised. Funding: National Institute for Health and Care Research